The Power of Breathwork to Release Negative Energy

Discover the transformative potential of breathwork in our latest article. Explore the profound connection between your mind and body and learn how to release negative energy and stuck emotions. Unlock the secrets of holistic healing, enhance your mental well-being, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Join us on the path to a harmonious mind-body connection.

Mental Health Check: Managing Negative Emotions

  False Positivity Mental health check: managing negative emotions. We live in a think positive world. If you just think positive good things will come to you. Flip the bad into something good. Get rid of what doesn’t serve you, right? We are under the assumption that negative feelings like anger, sadness, disgust are wrong Read More


This week we encounter yet another incident where a black person was killed by people with authority or percieved authority.  Over the last month, we heard about Ahmaed Arbery, Breonna Taylor, and now George Floyd.  As a wife of a large built black Man and mother of two black boys, I am very aware of Read More